Tuesday, October 19, 2010

We believe..

If you are looking for a place where people believe: come to Ghana!

Never have I seen such a high density of churches or met such devout Christians.

Having arrived in Ghana on a Saturday evening, I was lucky enough to witness people going to church on Sunday morning. On a day to day basis, African women already dress in fantastic fabrics, often in layers and always very colourful (typical Laurette style!). But it doesn’t even compare to Sundays, when they put on the most stunning dresses in order to praise the Lord. That they have to walk 30 minutes on a dirt road (every truck that passes creates hideous dust clouds) in the burning sun does not seem to bother them.

So I was prepared this Sunday, when also the people of Ahunda headed for their houses of worship. Luckily, I brought a dress and even put on my high heels for the occasion.

Man, Harlem would have been jealous! The swinging singing talent that comes naturally to these people is amazing! The ‘mamas’ roll their hips and wave their handkerchiefs and it is just impossible to sit still. It is undeniable that these people know their beats! Their music – often loudly played at the market and for promotions - is almost exclusively Gospel and is super funky, rockin’, high beat, must-move-my-body music. Seriously, Snoop Dog would be jealous!

As I said earlier, the people of Ghana are true believers, not only on Sundays.

In fact, if God had had his own marketing company, I’m sure it would have been run by Ghanaians! Drive through any town or village, no matter how small, and you will find plenty of proof for this. How about:

Gods Way Bus Stop” – I wonder where you end up..

“God haircut” – I love it! But how would that look on women?

“God and Sons” – they sell mobile phones, in case you were wondering

“God knows modern fashion” – I never doubted that! (see photo of blue/white shack)

“He lives, odd prices”- well, I’m sure even He can get confused sometimes

And of course there is glory all around as well:

“Great Glory Units” – the best hardware store in town!

“Glory Oil” – well, where would you refuel your car?!

“Glory Mart” – I will never buy at another supermarket again..

I spotted great reassurance on this battered old truck heading out of town. Above the windscreen, it says: “Relax, God is in control”. Good to know.

I wonder if they tell you that at the “Too Late Madam Patience Funeral”…

Another person Ghanaians think very highly of is none other than the one and only: Barack Obama!! With relatives from Ghana, he chose Ghana as the first African country to visit (he stayed at the Holiday Inn by the airport, in case you were wondering). This most certainly paid off and American flags and pictures can be found absolutely everywhere: in tro-tro’s (local minivans), on bags, cookies, schoolbooks and even woven into fabrics as

demonstrated in this picture of the lovely committee member ‘Sista Mary’.

One last sign to entertain you:


Marieke said...

Lieve Laur,
Na een zoektocht op internet en vele interessante naamgenoten eindelijk je blog gevonden. Heel leuk te lezen, ook een echte Laur actie om vol een project te realiseren. Door je verhalen en foto's kan ik me een goede voorstelling maken van Laur in Ghana, erg stoer. Veel liefs, Marieke

Gry said...

Kjære Laurette, jeg håper og tror at 12000 er på din konto mandag. Vi er mange som vil hjelpe deg å lykkes. Er stor beundrer av ditt arbeid og håper vi kan treffes snart! Stor klem Gry

Unknown said...

Beste Laurette,

Ik ben echt blij om je blog te zien, het toont uw oprechtheid en hard werken u hebt gedaan voor de volkeren in Ghana, ik wil u bedanken voor uw inspanningen, God zegene u :-)

Uw Bro
Fareed Qureshi